Hashtag Realtalk with Aaron Bregg

Episode 80 - The Future of Medical and IoT Device Security

Aaron Bregg Season 5 Episode 5

In the episode I had a chance to talk to not one, not two but THREE talented gents about the future of medical and IoT device security. Nathanael Dick, Russ Ramsay and Dan Rittersdorf all work for a great, and local, embedded systems engineering company called DornerWorks.

I was fortunate enough to do the podcast prep meeting in person and was able to tour their very cool West Michigan offices. Obviously, medical device security is very important to me considering I work in healthcare. However, we touched on the following other relevant IoT security topics:

  • A brief overview of what is the current state of IoT security
  • What are some common misconceptions about medical IoT security (e.g. IV Pump hacking)
  • What happens when an embedded device is at end-of-life (e.g. when patching isn't an option. Use PACS as an example)
  • How is FDA compliance going to affect embedded control manufacturers like Dorner Works?
  • What does the near future look like? (Securing Distributed AI)

At the end of the episode we were visited by a very talented co-worker, Taylor E. Taylor was gracious enough to talk to the importance of being an ally to black woman and supporting charities like Black Girls Who Code.

Episode Sponsor:

Huge thanks to DornerWorks for sponsoring this episode. DornerWorks is a Embedded Systems Engineering company based in West Michigan.